A New Year’s Resolution to Legacy Planning

The New Year is here. Clients are thinking about the future. And with an estimated $30 trillion predicted to transfer from Baby Boomers to their heirs over the next three decades1, legacy planning should be a top priority. Advisors need to ensure that their clients are prepared for this massive shift of assets, which Accenture calls the “greater” wealth transfer. Read more at lifehealth.com

Outside In – Changing the way we recruit women

Not too long ago I was overjoyed to wait in line. While not usually a happy occurrence, in this instance I was waiting in line for the ladies’ restroom at a sales meeting and the line meant that there were a significant number of women attending. Read more on lifehealth.com.

Evaluating When to Replace Split-Dollar Life Insurance

Your client’s split-dollar coverage could turn into a ticking time bomb. Here is how you can help your client decide whether to keep the coverage or replace it… Read more at insurancenewsnetmagazine.com

Teaming: A One-Stop Shop for Financial Planning

Advisors and financial professionals are beginning to embrace the teaming model. Today, there are 25 percent more team-based advisors than in 2012, with 55 percent of all advisors working within a team, according to PriceMetrix’s A Winning Formula:.. Read more at lifehealth.com

Is Buy Term and Invest the Difference on Life Support?

A new study claims it’s better to buy whole life than to buy term insurance and invest the difference. What are you telling your clients? Read more.